
Happy Birthday, little Gopher

Today we’re celebrating the birthday of our little gopher, Googles programming language Go turns 10. A decade of growing and getting better every year without breaking the promise of source code compatibility. So the community grew to about two million developers world wide and we can find a pretty large number of projects developed in Go. Especially many projects of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation are using Go for implementation, like Docker and Kubernetes, Etcd and Prometheus.

Video of my JAX 2019 talk about Go

The JAX conference typically focusses on Java technologies, the J of the name already shows it. But over the last years it opened more and more for other languages or external infrastructure technologies influencing the system architecture for solutions. And so this year in May I had the chance to give an introduction into Google Go as an alternative programming language. The slides can be found at SlideShare as usual. But additionally the organizers recorded the one hour talk on video.

Enjoy functions

What shall be special when working with functions? They are part of software development almost since beginning, there’s even the paradigm of functional programming. So what’s special with functions in Go? Simple answer: nothing. But true to the motto of the language the work with functions and their relatives, the methods, is very pragmatic. And so they get parts of elegant solutions. Let’s start with quite simple functions. They can be small, having none, one, more or a variable number of parameters.

Don’t be afraid of multiplexing

Pretty often you read questions about multiplexing in Go web application on Slack, StackOverflow, or Reddit. Sometimes they think about using libraries like gorilla/mux, which is a powerful software, and its alternatives. Depending on individual requirements and constraints these may make sense, but for many cases the standard library or own little packages based on the standard library are more than enough. I’ll show the idea behind the Go net/http package and how to build own solutions based on it.

Whisky tasting with OEC

As a friend of single malt whiskies I’m always happy to participate at tastings. This time I got an invitation by Darrell, the organiser of the Oldenburg English Club. And on last Thursday Sandra and Ulli of Malts4you conducted it in the Appeltje, a small and pretty café in the inner city of Oldenburg. They’ve been very friendly and offered some good finger food. In the beginning Ulli gave a little introduction into the procedure with the list of whiskies and the tasting cards where the tasted malts—or better there price—is noted.

Change of top level domain to dev

On Feb 28th the top level domain .dev has been available for all. So for me as a developer it’s the best possible TLD to get. One day later I reserved two different ones: as a replacement for my former personal domain and as a replacement of all my different Tideland domains into one. The personal domain is now changed, the Tideland domains will follow these days. Then I also have to change the new Go mono repository I’m migrating my packages to.

Restart of the blog

Those who visited my blog before will recognize that I deleted several – most – of my old blog entries. The reason has been my disaffection with the way I’ve done it before. The mix of the content and the long gaps between two entries did not feel good and attractive. So I had to think about how to change it, what my topics shall be. I found two major topics.

Open, not closed

These days it happened again. This time it has been Twitter which changed the services it provides and forced external applications to change due to changes of the API. So it more and more follows Facebook to become a propriatary system, closed and best without any external client. But there are definitely better clients than the original one, in my case it’s Tweetbot. This change made me thinking about all those closed systems today.