Is it time for a breakup?
Is there a gap between you and me? Or am I becoming schizophrenic? Don’t worry, everything is fine. I’m still just one person – Frank Müller. But so far, I’ve only blogged here about a mix of different topics. I didn’t really warm to it over a longer period of time. So I thought about what I would like to blog about and how.
My world in IT
First, I want to talk about IT. It has been with me since 1984. That was when I started programming various things on a Schneider CPC 464. One thing became a database for CDs, something else a labyrinth game with opponents and then a blackjack game that calculated the probability of each coming card. After a part-time job as a developer with Turbo Pascal, I took my first permanent position in IT in 1991. I will probably report on this career step by step here, each position had its facet. Of course, I will also report on other topics that interest me. Thoughts and ideas will also be added.