Make it easier to find

A look at the Tideland Go repositories shows that these today are libraries for individual topics with various packages included. One problem with this form of organization is that these packages are difficult to find. At the same time, their individual histories and their versions are tied to those of the entire library. This must be improved.

Therefore, the reconstruction of these projects has now begun. The packages from the repositories move to the main level and become independent projects. A first example is now Tideland Go UUID. The package implements the generation of the versions v1, v3, v4, and v5. v2 will follow, as well as v6, v7, and v8 when the corresponding draft is approved.

In which order it goes on then I must see then times. I am open for suggestions depending upon need. At the same time the new release of the Tideland Go Cells will be prepared. The architecture has been streamlined and I would like to create a nice example for the application.